My Story

I married my high school sweet heart, soon after we realized we wanted to start the journey to growing our family. However, a year later I was diagnosed with PCOS, and with that came fertility issues.  In my search to discover what PCOS was I was blessed to meet other ladies with PCOS, known as Cysters. I found those I could relate to, but I, also, realized how little PCOS awareness there was out there. Thus, started my journey in making jewelry specifically with Cysters in mind.  Little did I know what started as a hobby would spark an interest, which quickly blossomed into a passion.  Thus, giving birth to Soul Cyster Creations.
Soon after starting this process I began making pieces related to infertility.  Something to provide hope and inspiration during one's journey to motherhood. Thus, I created little jars of baby dust, which have become a customer favorite. 

Further into my journey of wanting to be a mom I was blessed with a beautiful miracle of finding out I was pregnant. After over 5 years, and being told I would never become pregnant, I had found out I was. However, shortly after I faced my first miscarriage. I felt utterly alone and found no solace in knowing I had no way of remembering my little one. This lead me to create memorial & remembrance pieces not only for myself, but for others.
Though that loss was my first it was not my last, but through this pain it has given me the ability to connect with many customers and to me that has been my silver lining to my pain.
I realized through this process how much I loved making pieces I could relate to, but more than that I found the process therapeutic. Not only to myself, but to customers; and I realized then the gifting I had hidden away in me, which became my silver lining in the midst of PCOS, infertility and loss of my seven little ones. It has become a passion of mine to help others share and wear or display their stories in unique ways.





Whatever the piece may be it will always come from the heart, it is what keeps me striving to create.

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